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Randbøl Dressage Academy

Holistic dressage academy

We have ambitions to develop the sport of dressage into a good future with horse welfare combined with great professionalism at the forefront. Here riders and horses can be trained to a high international level, at the same time with a good parallel to the equestrian sport and experiences for the Danish dressage world

  • Holistically oriented within elite sport, breeding and breeding

  • Want quality over quantity

  • Openness and honesty with involved parties

Professionalism and passion

As a customer or visitor at Randbøl Dressage Academy, you must experience great professional skill with a focus on horse welfare and an open and honest commitment to each individual activity


Randbøl Dressage Academy moves into Korshøjgaard, formerly Blue Hors

The Obel and Dennis Fisker family take over as of 1 April 2024 Korshøjgaard from Blue Hors

It is with great joy and pride that we can announce today that the Obel and Dennis Fisker family take over Korshøjgaard and establish the Randbøl Dressage Academy.



Randbøl Dressage Academy’s mission is to establish a dressage academy, where we work holistically, with high professionalism and horse welfare within breeding, broadside and elite sport.



The goal is to create a foundation where we invite other ambitious players from the industry into a community where we share the passion and joy within equestrian sports and at the same time open up the beautiful

Korshøjgaard up for even more opportunities. The place invites you to events, conventions, awards, championships and is a fantastic place for courses and clinics. It is therefore our hope that others with the same

fundamental interests and values ​​that we see an opportunity in running activities from Korshøjgaard.


The new setup

“Blue Hors has had a great and important significance in equestrian sports. It is therefore with great humility and respect that we take over the baton in a setup in the Randbøl Dressage Academy, and we will do our

best to live up to the values ​​that the Kirk Kristiansen family stands for”, say Dennis Fisker and Mette Frederiksen.

The formal takeover of Korshøjgaard is planned for 1 April 2024.

Any questions can be directed to Mette Frederiksen +45 51744293 or Dennis Fisker at

+45 40561616.


Randbøl Dressage Academy:

Randbøl Dressage Academy is owned by the Obel and Dennis Fisker family.


Core tasks:

Rental of facilities, riders and trainers, reproduction, stallion/tapping, breeder free-range, shop, administration building

Teaching and developing ambitious riders

Training and development of talented horses

Complete packages for equipment with international potential

Buy/sell horses

Preparing horses for championships, awards, etc.

Courses and clinics

Event/meeting activities for the general public and the elite

Ratings and championships

Lidt info om Randbøl Dressage Acadamy

Som kunde eller besøgende hos Randbøl Dressage Acadamy, skal man opleve stor faglig dygtighed med fokus på hestevelfærd og et åbent og ærligt engagement i hvert enkelt aktivitet.

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Mette Frederiksen

“Den sunde og rigtige opbygning og udvikling af hesten skal altid være vigtigere end resultatet.”